Cloud of War

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The Cloud of War is a unique flying magitech vessel held by House Tepet. It was inspired by the reference in Kingdom of Halta which says that the "remaining Tepet Legions" arrived in a single day after Tepet Arada called for additional aid in the war against the Bull of the North.

The vehicle has a flying speed of 140 mph, but is capable of holding large numbers of troops. It was designed during the Shogunate as an effort to create a fast troop transport, but was deemed inferior to the Kiriki-class vehicles due to its greatly decreased firepower (it boasts a single light implosion bow).

The vehicle's cargo hold consists of a white jade empowered stasis chamber which places anybody who is inside it while it is turned on into stasis unless they spend a mote of Essence to resist. This allows for troops to be packed into it to a degree which would be completely uncomfortable otherwise, and without requirements for supplies. In the Far Shores chronicle, we have allowed it to transport as many as 2,500 troops piled like cordwood in its stasis-bound cargo hold. The stasis hold requires an Earth-aspected Hearthstone to power it.

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