People of Iron

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Known as the Rust Princes to the people of the Kingdoms of the Sun, the People of Iron are a species created by First Age Solars for the purpose of killing Fair Folk. They grow swiftly, and live short lives. Their claws, teeth and blood are laced with enough iron to be dangerous to the raksha. The Genesis factory cathedral where they were created was lost when the Balorian Crusade plunged swathes of the West into the Wyld. Wandering the Wyld, possessed of a natural hatred of the Fair Folk, the People of Iron were assimilated. They became a living story of glorious battle against the terrible raksha.

At the beginning of the Dark Waters chronicle, the leader of the People of Iron was Commander Ferox. By the season of Air 770 Realm Year, his son Ruso has become the new Commander.

The People of Iron speak their own dialect of Old Realm. The dialect is influenced by long years of contact with their Fair Folk enemies, and possibly by long forgotten contact with Western humans speaking early, relatively pure Seatongue.