Stone of Aquatic Prowess

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Nalest began searching for a hearthstone that could give him mobility under the water without the need for an air supply after he graduated from the Heptagram. He felt that if he was going to work effectively on aquatic vessels, he would need to sustain himself for extended periods of time under the water. In his studies he discovered the existance of this stone, which allowed for such things. With the knowledge of the stone in his posession, Nalest had only to find a manse that would produce such a stone.

Doing what he does best to find information, he delved deaply into the libraries of House Ledaal, the Imperial Library, as well as any other source he could get his hand on. After months of study, he uncovered a reference to an underwater manse west of the Blessed Isle. After finding two water aspects, one of which he had to pay his entire months stipend to convince to join him, as well as borrowing an artifact that would allow him to travel under the water, he set out to find the manse.

After following the clues he had found, as well as using the Observer's Eyes he had gotten from his father and the Hearthstone Compass from his mother, he found the manse. Fortunately for him, only a small number of weaker water elementals had taken up residence in the manse, and the three exalts dispatched them easily enough after they refused to return the manse to the proper hands of House Ledaal.