Yurgen Kaneko

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Yurgen Kaneko, The Bull of the North

The Bull of the North is a canonical figure, given full traits in the Exalted Second Edition main rulebook. He has been described in numerous references throughout various Exalted titles.

This section represents my changes to him for use in my chronicles.

Make his native tongue "icewalker" and add 1 point of Linguistics (so he can keep the other languages he has). Add Tiger Warrior Training Technique (which requires Heroism-Encouraging Presence). Reduce his Compassion to 2 and raise his Valor to 4. Raise his Martial Arts to 4 (essentially completing the process of giving him at least 4 in each of the Traits which can be trained with Tiger Warrior Training Technique). Given the weakness of War Essence Flow, I would add Infinite War Mastery to his Charm list.

In my Hundred Kingdoms and Far Shores series, Yurgen and his icewalker allies seized the city of Gethamane as one of their campaigns. Additionally, the Bull conquered regions to the east and south of the icewalker territories, until eventually he reached Linowa. The story of his early efforts against Linowan and the subsequent war with the Tepet Legions is laid out in various canonical Exalted sources, including the Kingdom of Halta, and therefore we won't be revisiting it here, except where our chronicles differ with canon.

Also, in my Hundred Kingdoms and Far Shores series, the Bull of the North and his circle have seized the Invisible Fortress (from the Time of Tumult book), and are currently using it as a base of operations in their conquest of Linowa. Unfortunately, his circlemate Raneth was slain by the Manse's defenses. The Bull also seized Metagalapa (in conjunction with Haltan commandos, the assault lasted merely a single day) and the Solar hawkrider Grilo returned to the floating mountain to join the Bull.

His Circle

The Bull's Solar Exalted Circle has consisted (at one time or another) of himself plus: Samea, Grilo, Jalith, Fear-Eater, Crimson Antler, Raneth and Nalla Bloodaxe.

The Essences of Jalith, Raneth and Crimson Antler are in flux as of Descending Earth 769 Realm Year, due to having been slain in battle (see their individual entries).

Current surviving Circle members include: The Bull, Samea, Grilo, Fear-Eater and Nalla Bloodaxe.

For most of the Hundred Kingdoms chronicle, I intentionally tried to leave the Bull's Circle incomplete to play up the coolness of the players' Circle. Particularly, I left the Bull with no Twilight (Samea the Zenith having to fill in that role) and with no Eclipse (diplomacy not being "his thing"). I am thinking that Nimium Snoweyes will eventually connect with him. I am not sure yet what Eclipse might join with him. I would like his Circle to be complete in my chronicle at some point, however, as it has finally been called such in one canon source.
