I like those rocks over there
and that scrappy tree.
Looking in my rear view mirror
they are on the sidewalk I see
but before,
the lady
at the liquor store
locked her window in a hurry
as they came in the door
and I circled the lot twice
wondering what she saw.
If something happened
then it went down
but I’m guessing
we all thought the worst,
nothing happened
Those rocks on the side
of the road are cool
and that scrappy tree.
I’m home now,
what did I see?
New WordPress
Edit: I keep bumping this thread to the top to “pin” it. Resurrecting old buried articles like Darklord of Rookhausen.
I moved to a new web host, and I have been slow to get time to update everything, so things are still out of whack right now.
I am migrating my website to this new install of WordPress. I am adding new articles, and copying over my old ones.
Meanwhile, if you are looking for something on the old site: http://www.conradhubbard.com/index2.php
I am also trying to get the data out of my old WordPress to put it here. I successfully hooked up my old Wiki if you want to look at that.
Paying Interest
I have always tried to pay my debts, and so far I have always succeeded, eventually. That means trying to avoid debt when possible and to pay it off as soon as possible. On a personal level, I feel like I am the fiscal conservative that many people claim to be when they are talking about politics.
But I also recognize that my good fortune has so far outweighed my bad fortune. Sometimes bad things happen to people, and sometimes they are so bad you might never get out of debt. When that happens, a charitable society that cares about those in need should step up to help.
When you scale this up to include your whole nation, the amount of money involved is mind boggling. If you put the entire nation into debt, then there is a cost to all of us. Less of our tax money is available to us, because a chunk of it is being used to pay interest. Every single day a portion of our tax dollars is spent paying interest.
Ideally, we wouldn’t need to lose part of our tax dollars just to pay interest, and that would mean our tax dollars could better pay for services to our nation. As with an individual, taking on a temporary debt might sometimes be necessary, but taking on a permanent debt means siphoning off your resources forever.
Neither of our major political parties has managed to avoid adding debt since that one year during Clinton’s term as president. The Republicans routinely scream about debt when they are out of power, but they always add tons more debt every time they are in power.
There are plenty of smart people in our nation. I think we know how to stop doing this. The intelligence and the solution aren’t missing. It is the political will which is missing.
It is obvious that to get rid of our national debt the taxes paid need to exceed our expenditures for long enough to pay off the debt and then equal our expenditures when we have no debt.
Letting rich people and corporations avoid taxes immediately fucks that up. Spending $1 trillion on a military jet immediately fucks that up.
It is hard, because it is a nation, but the solution really is the same as when you are managing your household income. Try to avoid unnecessary debt. Pay off your debts as soon as you can.
And prioritize all of your expenditures.
That last part there is part of the problem with our country, though. We have politicians that prioritize spending our nation’s tax money on trillion dollar jets that don’t work correctly, and on giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires and huge corporations. Etc.
We could prioritize our tax money to be spent on all Americans. We could charge people their fair share of taxes, rather than letting the rich and powerful buy our lawmakers.
Swarm of Insects Damage
In 5e D&D, the monster template swarm of insects is listed as doing piercing damage. For some of the insect types, this might make sense. For example, some beetle that physically devours things. For many insects, though, the primary damage to a victim would be venom from its sting.
As such, I would propose that you change to the poison damage type for swarms of insects such as wasps.
You make me feel uneasy. This isn’t the beginning of it. I have been feeling this way for a while, but it grows a little bit here and there. It gets a little bit worse every time you do it. I am sure the feeling did not begin with the first time I noticed it. You were already making me feel that way before I recognized that it was you. I cannot tell you exactly when it started.
So let’s start with this: You make me feel uneasy because I personally know one or more individuals who you seem to think should be put in a cage or deported.
Maybe you claim you don’t support such positions, but you support Trump or your Republican congressman, even though you know they are in favor of putting my friend in a cage or deporting my friend. Maybe you directly support children being in cages or refugees being deported. Or you project the idea that some people who are here in America without being a citizen are automatically suspect. I wonder if you would report them if you knew. Imagine I am talking to you about something work-related or a banal detail of life, and imagine that I am thinking that you would report my friend to be put in a camp. Because I do actually think that sometimes when I am talking to you.
You make me feel uneasy because you seem to think that sexual assault is okay.
Maybe you think destroying the women who accused Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas is okay. Maybe you are a supporter of those two Republican judges. Or maybe you just don’t care what they did. You are aware of the Access Hollywood tape, where president Trump bragged about sexual assault, but you don’t care, even though it is on tape. You support your power figures regardless of their actions. Or you think boys will be boys. I wonder if you would support these men if they had sexually assaulted my loved ones. Imagine I am talking to you about whatever, and imagine I am thinking that you might dismiss an assault on my mother or my sister or my girlfriend in the name of your leaders.
You make me feel uneasy because you seem to think murdering people in the street is okay, as long as they are liberals.
You defended the right winger who ran over Heather Heyer in Charlottesville while she was peacefully protesting. You suggested that he ran over innocent people on foot because he felt threatened in his car. Trump publicly shielded as “fine people” and you supported Trump. Or you maybe you are just supporting the Republican congressmen who are defending Trump. Or maybe you supported the ICE agent who intentionally ran over a Jewish protester. Maybe you have declared that these are all “paid protesters” rather than real people. Maybe you think they have no right to gather in public places. Imagine I am talking to you about something, and imagine I am wondering if you would run me over if I happened to end up in front of you while protesting in a crowd.
You make me feel uneasy, because you seem to be okay with so many terrible things. You make me feel uneasy, because you smile at me like it is nothing.
I haven’t decided what to do about it yet. But I do know that my “friends” shouldn’t make me feel uneasy like this.
Truestrike Weapon
For 5e.
Truestrike Weapon
Truestrike weapons are most often melee weapons, but some magic item creators choose ranged weapons to enchant. This magic weapon requires attunement.
This weapon interacts with the True Strike spell when cast by its wielder. Whenever the wielder casts True Strike while holding an uncharged Truestrike weapon, the weapon absorbs the True Strike spell, and keeps it active until you make an attack. The weapon can only hold 1 charge of the spell, but the spell no longer requires the concentration of the caster.
The first time that the wielder attacks any target, in any turn after the turn when the spell was absorbed by the weapon, the True Strike advantage is triggered against the target of the attack. Note that for ranged weapons, the spell’s normal range applies, so the True Strike effect does not trigger unless the target is within 30 feet at the time of the attack.
If the Truestrike weapon currently holds no charge, it still counts as a magical weapon for the purposes of attacks.
Parallel Plane Operas
During my drive home this evening, it occurred to me that my Astralis, Xana, and Classis Umbra settings could all inhabit the same D&D multiverse if you wanted to run them that way.
You could run the game with all of them existing as parallel empires who connect their material worlds via transitive plane-walking. You could even have them all aware of each other. Perhaps they are at war. Perhaps they all coexist in relative or strained peace.
Alternately, and personally I favor this approach, you could run one of them for a long time, as the sole setting of your game. And then, after a long time, you could introduce one of the others as a new game revelation, previously unknown. How would such an empire react to the discovery of a rival whose methods are parallel?
Xana: Ghost Empire
Back in 1987, the 1st edition Manual of the Planes released. I was running one of my homebrew campaigns, and I was inspired by the way that the Ethereal Plane was described in the new supplement.
I had a small hidden kingdom, set in a large oasis in a great desert. It was loosely inspired by Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” but of course I fiddled with it now and then. The “sunless sea” seemed sure to be an underworld setting attached to it, for example.
I decided I wanted it to be the capital of an empire, despite being cut off from its own world by an unforgiving desert. So, I put the Tarrasque in that desert, and had it held back from Xana by a magical wall.
Then, I had the people of Xana have developed “etherships” which let them sail into the Ethereal Plane to get to faraway worlds circling other stars. Their ships would fade from the physical realm into the Border Ethereal, and then sail to the Deep Ethereal. In the Deep Ethereal, they would sail from one part of the ethereal curtain which led to the Prime Material to another part, and then emerge into the Border Ethereal again.
From there, they would peer at whatever world they had found, and decide whether to emerge from ethereal state. Thus, they would create colonies and tributaries far from their own world.
I imagined one of their vessels had been lost, and it had become a terrifying Ghost Ship. I also imagined one being cast through an ethereal cyclone into the astral plane. I dabbled with the idea of using the astral plane instead of the ethereal but if I recall correctly, I was not sure I wanted to deal with the githyanki being a major threat and I liked the idea that perhaps elemental associations from the Ethereal might better fit a kingdom hidden in an oasis in the desert. I remember thinking that my ghost ship idea would still work, because an astral storm could still cast a ship into the ethereal.
My campaign players never even visited that part of the world. Of course I used to talk to my players about various parts of the world I was designing which they had never visited, it nonetheless never was shown “on camera”. Xana didn’t really get much flesh to beautify its skeleton of ideas, because it never became important to the game.
Then in 1989, Spelljammer came along, and my group was for a time enamored of its space-fantasy where ships simply flew into the sky, kept their own atmospheres, and sailed to other worlds through actual space. Who needed Xana when you had space opera on flying galleons? To be fair, we were also moving to 2nd edition, and that brought its own tsunami of changes to our games.
I have come back to the idea on occasion. I have reimagined it a few times. One of those times, I instead chose the Plane of Shadow and worked a bit on the Classis Umbra for 3rd edition. At the time, I liked the crazy speed with which players could reach another world, yet not do so instantly.
And then, for 5e, I put forth the idea of the empire of my Astralis setting. Here, the travel from world to world would be done by way of the astral plane, but hopefully with me having thought through it a bit more over the years. The githyanki threat started to seem like a “feature” to me, rather than a bug. Another feature, in my mind, was that astral ships making the journey could NOT hang out invisibly in the Border Ethereal, spying on their prey. Neither did they have aerial superiority, from a deep space level, such as was given to spelljammers. Indeed, a vessel entering the Prime Material through a color pool would likely be doing so blindly, with little idea what waits on the other side of the portal.
For Astralis, there is my Astralis Pitch, and a couple of followup articles I threw on here: the Home World and the Fate of Astralis.
But what about Xana? If you prefer an imperial navy of etherships, a hidden oasis capital and its pleasure dome, a terrifying desert with legendary beasts held back by an arcane wall, and a sunless sea beyond where the river disappears into dark caverns, then perhaps it is for you.
5e Ranger Toolbox
The ranger class in 5th edition seems a little lackluster compared to other classes.
I do not think it is as weak as some online haters portray it, though.
I put together a toolbox of tweaks that DMs might consider to adjust the class without boosting it too much.
- Get rid of the favored enemy “2 races” humanoid restriction, and let it be the same catch-all that the other favored enemies are. Yes, I recognize that in most campaigns, this change will make humanoids the most common favored enemy. This actually fits Aragorn, the iconic fantasy proto-ranger.
- Allow favored enemies and favored terrain to change periodically, but not on a whim. Taking a cue from spells known for other classes, possibly let the ranger change favored enemies and favored terrain when they gain a level. This allows for change, but not randomly. It would pace changes with the progress of the campaign. I think this should only be an option when the DM and player agree that the favored enemy or terrain in question is no longer valid to the game.
- Replace spells known with spells prepared. The paladin uses prepared spells like a cleric. Why doesn’t a ranger uses prepared spells like a druid? I get that bards, eldritch knights, arcane tricksters, etc need a spells known category to keep them from becoming spellbook characters. But a ranger feels like a druidic paladin.
- Let rangers use a druidic focus in place of a component pouch, if they prefer. This has a really tiny game effect, but adds flavor. It also mimics the paladin being allowed to use a holy symbol.
My goal is to present a very short list of simple changes, with the hope that they are sufficient to make the class more attractive without overpowering it.
More story ideas for games
In an alternate universe, there is an idealized caricature of you. There are stories to explore in that idea. Of course, this could be too personal for some folks. Holding the mirror that close might not be comfortable. Now imagine a half-dozen of these characters, in fantasy situations.
Standing in line at the grocery store, gathering your snacks for the evening’s game, you see the tabloids. When you get home, the game is the world where those absurd headlines are the truth. No game supplements required. The storylines are already there: Bigfoot was my father, Hitler hid on secret moon base, Man cuts off own head with chainsaw and lives, etc.
A random group of friends discover that their proximity and will generate odd events. Individually, nobody has any powers, but whenever 2 or more people work together, there are powerful effects. Are these easily mapped by trial and error? Or do they vary so much that the only sure factor is the individual actors who participate?
A miraculously powerful being comes to Earth, and decides that art is better than reality. We are all overcome by the being’s projection of paintings, film, sculpture, magazine, and other media, such that they overwrite the world in a kaleidoscope of imagination. With so many possible competing realities at play, some degree of chaos is inevitable.
There is a small town called Dunbar. It has 150 people in it. Theories state this is the upper limit of the average human’s ability to maintain social contact with their brethren. There is nothing beyond this town. It is all that exists. What sort of stories come from that?