For 5e.
Truestrike Weapon
Truestrike weapons are most often melee weapons, but some magic item creators choose ranged weapons to enchant. This magic weapon requires attunement.
This weapon interacts with the True Strike spell when cast by its wielder. Whenever the wielder casts True Strike while holding an uncharged Truestrike weapon, the weapon absorbs the True Strike spell, and keeps it active until you make an attack. The weapon can only hold 1 charge of the spell, but the spell no longer requires the concentration of the caster.
The first time that the wielder attacks any target, in any turn after the turn when the spell was absorbed by the weapon, the True Strike advantage is triggered against the target of the attack. Note that for ranged weapons, the spell’s normal range applies, so the True Strike effect does not trigger unless the target is within 30 feet at the time of the attack.
If the Truestrike weapon currently holds no charge, it still counts as a magical weapon for the purposes of attacks.