The ranger class in 5th edition seems a little lackluster compared to other classes.
I do not think it is as weak as some online haters portray it, though.
I put together a toolbox of tweaks that DMs might consider to adjust the class without boosting it too much.
- Get rid of the favored enemy “2 races” humanoid restriction, and let it be the same catch-all that the other favored enemies are. Yes, I recognize that in most campaigns, this change will make humanoids the most common favored enemy. This actually fits Aragorn, the iconic fantasy proto-ranger.
- Allow favored enemies and favored terrain to change periodically, but not on a whim. Taking a cue from spells known for other classes, possibly let the ranger change favored enemies and favored terrain when they gain a level. This allows for change, but not randomly. It would pace changes with the progress of the campaign. I think this should only be an option when the DM and player agree that the favored enemy or terrain in question is no longer valid to the game.
- Replace spells known with spells prepared. The paladin uses prepared spells like a cleric. Why doesn’t a ranger uses prepared spells like a druid? I get that bards, eldritch knights, arcane tricksters, etc need a spells known category to keep them from becoming spellbook characters. But a ranger feels like a druidic paladin.
- Let rangers use a druidic focus in place of a component pouch, if they prefer. This has a really tiny game effect, but adds flavor. It also mimics the paladin being allowed to use a holy symbol.
My goal is to present a very short list of simple changes, with the hope that they are sufficient to make the class more attractive without overpowering it.
Since the time I posted this, they released Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, and it presents various alternate ranger options.